Paket Art and Crafting Class terdiri dari:
a. Tersedia untuk 50 anak
b. Pengajar / Pendamping
c. Badut MC
d. Peralatan Crafting
Art dan Crafting Class terdiri dari 3 kategori yaitu:
- Menghias kendi
- Membuat aksesoris gelang dan kalung dari manik-manik
- Menghias layang-layang
- Menghias Sendal / Mug
- Sand Art
Juragan Pesta provides art and crafting classes. Creative and practical projects that can be completed in one day are taught by trained instructors. In a positive environment the ‘fun projects’ are designed to build self-esteem, encourage creativity and teach practical life skills for youths who age out of the foster care system.
Through compassionate teaching skills the youths learn to gain trust in adult mentors who share their passion for arts and crafts during each class. Celebrate and Happy with us.
Juragan Pesta “Kerja Milik Kami, Bahagia Milik Anda”
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